Acne Treatment

Acne, also known as pimples, is a skin condition that typically develops during adolescence. It tends to appear on the face, back, shoulders, and upper chest area. In addition to adolescence, many factors such as ultraviolet rays, sweating, hormones, use of wrong cosmetic products, and a poor diet affect the development of acne. In acne treatment, factors such as the severity of acne, the patient's age, and the area it develops are examined and a treatment plan is created in accordance. Not every acne is treated the same way. While antibiotic treatment is applied for inflammatory acne, drainage or laser methods can be used for cystic and more severe cases of acne. Retinoid-based medications and creams are another option used in acne treatment. Untreated acne can result in scars and trigger mental health issues in the future. Therefore, acne treatment should be started early on.